Mathematics, Statistics, Database and network design and administration, Software and applications development and analysis

Internship/training: ai engineer in a cross-functional product team

  • Germany, Munich
  • Work schedule:
    Full time
  • Salary range: 1000 to 1000 EUR/month
  • Contract type: 3 months internship/training incl. scholarship
  • Application deadline: 27/Jun/2024
  • Starting date: 09/Sep/2024

Job description

3-month internship/training:
++ AI ENGINEER in a cross-functional product team ++
Learn how to build a data-infused digital product that users really love while working on real challenges provided by our industry partners. 

++ About Digital Product School ++
The Digital Product School is Europe's most successful training program for cross-functional product teams. It runs full-time for a 3-month period and is provided by UnternehmerTUM, Europe’s biggest Entrepreneurship Center. Our mission is to empower the next generation of human-centered digital product makers.
With DPS, you will be joining one of the major innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems in the world. We are located in Munich, Germany.
We will trust you with real-world challenges provided by our various industry partners. Your team will kick off new ideas and solutions for our partner’s customers. You will have the chance to shape, design, and launch new digital products and services. You will witness what it is like to work in a cross-functional, autonomous team that explores and executes within just 3 months.
The program is aimed at master’s students, recent graduates, or professionals on a junior level from all over the world who want to gain hands-on experience in digital product development, practice leadership in their domain, and launch their professional careers in the tech sector.
During your time at DPS, you will build a digital product that solves a real problem and improves the users' lives. While creating this product, you will dive into human-centered product development. Deepen your knowledge in your individual domain, but also experience working in an agile team first-hand. Apply essential mindsets like Design Thinking and Lean Start-up. Experienced mentors and experts will be at your side throughout the entire time and continuously provide support and feedback.

++ What you will learn & do ++ 
# Build a digital product that solves a real-world challenge
# Work with real data provided by the partners or open data
# Conduct tech feasibility tests
# Innovate customer-centered products using AI / machine learning or NLP
# Engineer end-to-end data-driven applications
# Develop user experience and business insights 
# See how designers and product managers work

++ Your benefits ++
# Gain hands-on working experience as an AI Engineer
# Receive intense training in agile working methods from experienced mentors and coaches
# Gain experience in design thinking techniques
# Learn how a lean startup works 
# Improve your soft skills by working in a diverse team
# Extend your network in Munich’s startup and tech scene
# Work closely with our industry partners
# Expand your professional network
# Access Europe's largest innovation & entrepreneurship ecosystem
# Be part of an international community of more than 700 forward-thinking alumni

++ What we offer ++
# 3-month training program with workshops and practical work
# A certificate for successful participation 
# A modern, creative, and inspiring workplace
# A batch starts either in January, May, or September
# Tuition-free participation
# Get paid 1,000 EUR per month

++ Information & Application ++
🗓️ Batch#22: Sep. 9 to Nov. 29, 2024
💰 Earn 1,000 EUR in grants per month
⚠️ Deadline: June 27, 2024
➡️ Apply on

More information:



Level of studies:
Bachelor (EQF 6)
Master (EQF 7)
Minimun work experience:
No experience required
Working language(s):
Other job requirements:

++ Requirements ++

  • University degree in electrical or computer engineering, computer science, or other engineering disciplines with additional training and certification in data science, machine learning, or artificial intelligence
  • You possess excellent teamwork skills and are motivated to grow as an awesome team player
  • You have excellent communication skills in English; German would be a plus
  • Availability to fully dedicate yourself to the program during the twelve weeks (40 h per week during normal business hours (CE(S)T)
  • Full personal commitment. No side project, university course, or exam is acceptable
  • Be on-site in Munich


Salary information
  • Work schedule:
    Full time
  • Salary range: 1000 to 1000 EUR/month

Competences & skills

This are some of the competences and skills the recruiter is looking for this offer.
If you want to read more about them, you can check our Competences Center section.
Data analysis
Information and data literacy

Company details

Recruiter details
Posted by: Bastian Rieder
Email: r****[email protected]
Position: Head of Product Marketing Digital Product School
Company registered since 20/Jan/2023
0 active offers.
4 offers posted since registration.